Sunday 8 July 2007

My first work

This is the poster that I made for Rmit charity team for their first event, last semester. We had to discuss seriously to unify the design of poster. The rainbow signifies for the wishes "after raining, the sky will be shining again" as well as the life of orphans and unfortunate people will be happy after the life's difficulties. The white hand and the brown one present for anybody in society that have a rich or not quite rich life should contribute for charity activities. The major color of the poster is blue that produce a sense of hope and peace. All my work were done in Photoshop, the pen tool was used to drawn the rainbow. There is one big mistake that I made is Font. I used 2 different fonts as well as stretch the font size. I did not pay much attention for the font before. However, from now on, I must not make this mistake one more because of Maddy's rule. I want to be a good designer ^_^. I post this poster because I satisfied with the image background of the poster. Also, I want you to see my mistake, so we together do not make any more.

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