Sunday 2 September 2007

Review what we studied

The following link comes to a nice website with colorful interface. Let look through it to review what we studied in somehow. The illustration in .swf file help to understand the concepts easier.

Saturday 25 August 2007

My safe sex poster

This is my poster for assignment 2B. The images were drawn in paper, then they were traced and colored in Photoshop.
The layout and text were done in Illustrator.
There are some problem when I post this poster on blog because the color changed although the content still keep the same

Sunday 19 August 2007

My favourite poster

I’m strongly favored in this poster. This is a drawing poster and the image of penis is presented lively. I think it’ll help the poster much more effective in Vietnam. Actually, in Vietnam, there are quite many people; especially young people in countryside might not know what condom is used for (Vietnamese parents mostly never tell their children about that). This poster is so clear; condom is used to cover the penis when it heats up. “Heats up” here explains the feeling of the man when they prepare to start a sexual activity. The metaphor meaning of the text “Cover up when it heats up” on this poster is very interesting. The color of the poster is all suitable to the images that are used. Grey, Black and white colors make the images not look really very much. People will not be so shy to look at it.

Playing with text

Sunday 12 August 2007

Cartoon images with safe sex

Poster using the image of an umbrella to promote condom use. An umbrella help to prevent sun shning, also condom helps to prevent "Sida". It is a metaphor to send message to audience. The poster translated from Portuguese states "We protect ourselves, do you?".

Un proportion between the image of condom and people are getting sex to strongly remind people should remember to use condom before having fun.

This is a French poster On the woman's purse, the words "prudence" and "abstinence" appear while the man holds a box of (condoms?) with the word "prudence" on it. On their heads are wearing "condoms", it is one good way to emphasis to importance of condom.

Safe sex mainly for young people

This poster was designed more symbolic than erotic (no penis are view). However, It discribes the gestures when people get sex lively. The text help to warn viewer what they can do and which one can not when the get sex. The target audience here are students and young groups. They also target to gays and lesbians. The central point of this poster is "Using condom to demonstrate you are true man"

Sunday 29 July 2007

Images in war

These are pictures that I took on the tour to give gifts and stuffs for poor people in Cu Chi tunnel province yesterday. This is first time I come here, the people here are very friendly. They are eager to tell us the heroic stories of Cu Chi people in the war. When I visited Ben Duoc Temple, a big monumental picture that features the images of Vietnamese people in the war with the American attracts my eyes. The picture was created by joining many bridges together to produce meaning images. In my opinion, person who design this monument picture partly apply collage because he joined many bridge as well as different images in the war to produce a general view of Vietnamese war.

Sunday 22 July 2007


I took a picture of this painting on a tour that I visited an Open House. It’s was quite surprise when I know this painting was main drawn by an orphans of 10 year-old all though artist help him correct some small mistake. The fruits are quite unreal. In my opinion, they are grapes and apples (not sure) what do you think? The light and dark background contributes for the high contrast of this painting. The main element that attracts my eyes to this painting is the way of combining color. It ‘s contrast, pleasure the eye and make the fruit real (3D).

Interesting Poster

This is the Poster of Woody Pirtle to advertise for Knoll Furniture in 1982. I’m so interested in the way he used the hot pepper to signify a red and green chair that was a hot product of Knoll at that present time. This poster takes advantage of negative space (white color) to set off the pepper chair effectively. This poster has high contrast thanks to the use of color. For example, the contract between black and white and between cools color (green, white) and warm color (red, yellow). There are few texts on this poster but enough information like company name, product, and address (maybe the small lines in the bottom). The text is simple san-serif font in red color that set off on the white and yellow background.

Sunday 15 July 2007

An Interesting Discovery

What do you think about this portrait? In my opinion, this is a great work when all details on the man’s face are expressed lively with the sharp lines. He looks handsome, attractive and astute. My emotion is curious when I feel the challenge of his face. How about you? What your emotion? Because, last week, my lecturer said something that I understand like “human face is good element to attract viewer’s emotion. Another component that contributes for the success of this work is the portrait has a good composition. First of all, it has a high unity when the dark brown background is similar with his shirt’ colour and two these thing is support for his skin’s light brown colour. Secondly, the dominance of his forehead, nose and part under his neck (thanks to brighten colour) help to emphasis his sentiment.
Nevertheless, the interesting thing here is I did not discover the Rhythmic element in his picture at first sight. Did you? Now look down following image you will see the rhythm in the portrait.

It is a surprising discover. Maybe only an artist’s eyes can discover this element. I was interested when discover this website. Now, I think that human face is perfect combination of lines (curves). And these lines can achieve a rhythm.
Newberry, 2006, “Newberry Workshop”, , viewed on July 15, 2007

Saturday 14 July 2007


Of all the principles of design, rhythm can be considered as an element that viewers will probably find easy to understand because the rhythm in visual arts is closely related to rhythm in music. In music hitting the same notes over and over will result a rhythm while visual rhythm is created by the regular repeating occurrence of elements in the scene. The difference is that the timed movement is sensed by the eyes rather than the ears.
We can observe the rhythm of the above picture through the repetition of 8 men’s posture. Rhythm is soothing and attracts viewer’s eyes to follow the rhythmic pattern.
However, the repetitive groups must have some variation to produce an effective rhythm. Because, Rhythm that is too similar may achieve a boring image same as people will be madden when they have to hear the same rhythm again and again.

The difference of the first cross in the right of the image helps to create the above effect rhythmic picture.
“Rhythm can evoke an emotional response, for example, curvilinear forms can calm whereas angular lines can stimulate”. (Scott Owen G., 2005)

Curvilinear form:

Angular lines form:

Scott Owen G., 2005, “Repetition and Rhythm”,, viewed on July 15, 2007

Sunday 8 July 2007

My first work

This is the poster that I made for Rmit charity team for their first event, last semester. We had to discuss seriously to unify the design of poster. The rainbow signifies for the wishes "after raining, the sky will be shining again" as well as the life of orphans and unfortunate people will be happy after the life's difficulties. The white hand and the brown one present for anybody in society that have a rich or not quite rich life should contribute for charity activities. The major color of the poster is blue that produce a sense of hope and peace. All my work were done in Photoshop, the pen tool was used to drawn the rainbow. There is one big mistake that I made is Font. I used 2 different fonts as well as stretch the font size. I did not pay much attention for the font before. However, from now on, I must not make this mistake one more because of Maddy's rule. I want to be a good designer ^_^. I post this poster because I satisfied with the image background of the poster. Also, I want you to see my mistake, so we together do not make any more.

Pepsi logo

Pepsi is a combination logo which includes a simple globe as well as a text of Pepsi. The icon is round and has a proportionate shape (the red part balances with the blue one through the white curve in the middle). It produces a felling of harmony and perfection. Three main colours of the logo red, white and blue signify a sense of passion, youth and peace. Moreover, the arrangement of Pepsi logo colours is similar with the Dutch flag. (It is easy to remember). Random foam on the surface of the globe creates a fresh mood. Furthermore, this foam can be thought as the result of gas that a carbonated soft drink usually produces. The typeface of text, Pepsi is impressive and easy to read because it is engraved and used san serif font.